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El Badi Palace

El Badi Palace

Step into the captivating world of El Badi Palace, also known as the “Incomparable Palace,” in the enchanting city of Marrakech, Morocco. This majestic ruined palace, built by Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur of the Saadian dynasty in the late 16th century, offers a glimpse into the opulence and power of Morocco’s past.

Once a symbol of wealth and grandeur, El Badi Palace is a renowned tourist attraction showcasing Moroccan culture’s rich history and architectural brilliance. While time has taken its toll on the palace, the remnants are still magnificent, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.

Constructed over 15 years ago, El Badi Palace was adorned with luxurious materials imported from various countries, including marble columns from Italy and lime and plaster from Timbuktu. However, the decline of the Saadian dynasty led to the palace’s fall from grace, resulting in its ruin and the stripping away of its valuable materials.

Today, El Badi Palace is a fascinating exhibition space, displaying remarkable artifacts and pieces of history. Visitors can explore the vast courtyard and marvel at the remnants of what was once a majestic architectural masterpiece. The palace’s ramparts also offer breathtaking views of Marrakech, allowing one to immerse oneself in its beauty.

In 2018, the palace underwent renovations to enhance the exhibition spaces and improve the overall visitor experience, ensuring that guests can fully appreciate the historical significance of this incredible site.

Embrace the opportunity to step back in time and witness the splendor of El Badi Palace. Be sure to engage a local English-speaking guide to unravel the captivating stories and legends that surround this architectural gem.

  • El Badi Palace is a ruined palace located in Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Constructed in the late 16th century, the palace was commissioned by Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur of the Saadian dynasty.
  • The palace was designed to showcase the Sultan’s wealth and power, with luxurious materials imported from various countries.
  • Today, El Badi Palace is a popular tourist attraction in Marrakech and serves as an exhibition space.
  • Explore the vast courtyard and remnants of El Badi Palace to experience the grandeur of Moroccan architecture and history.

El Badi Palace

History of El Badi Palace

The construction of El Badi Palace dates back to the late 16th century during the reign of Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur al-Dhahabi. In 1578, the construction of this magnificent palace began and it took approximately 15 years to complete. The palace was funded by the substantial ransom paid by the Portuguese after the Battle of the Three Kings in 1578.

El Badi Palace was designed to showcase the wealth and power of the Saadian dynasty. The materials used in its construction were carefully selected from various regions, highlighting the grandeur and opulence of the palace. Marble columns were imported from Italy, while lime and plaster were sourced from Timbuktu.

However, after the death of Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur, the palace suffered from neglect and gradually fell into ruin. The once magnificent structure was stripped of its valuable materials, particularly the marble, which were reused in other buildings across Morocco.

“El Badi Palace stands as a testament to the splendor and architectural brilliance of the Saadian dynasty, showcasing their ambition and extravagant lifestyle.”

El Badi Palace Today

With its rich history and architectural grandeur, El Badi Palace stands as a significant tourist attraction in Marrakech. This remarkable palace has been transformed into a captivating exhibition space, offering visitors a glimpse into Morocco’s fascinating past.

One of the notable exhibits at El Badi Palace is the Minbar of the Kutubiyya Mosque. This intricately carved pulpit, originally from the 12th-century mosque, showcases the exceptional craftsmanship of Moroccan artisans. Visitors can admire the detailed woodwork and admire its cultural and religious significance.

Aside from the exhibition spaces, El Badi Palace also boasts magnificent views of Marrakech from its ramparts. As visitors wander through the ruins, they can enjoy panoramic vistas of the city, a reminder of its historical importance and strategic location.

In 2018, the palace underwent renovations to enhance the exhibition spaces and overall visitor experience. These renovations aimed to preserve the historical integrity of the palace while providing modern amenities for guests. The result is a harmonious blend of the old and the new, allowing visitors to appreciate the palace’s past and present significance.


The renovations at El Badi Palace included improvements to the exhibition halls, ensuring that the artifacts and historical pieces were visually appealing and informative. Lighting and signage were also enhanced to provide a more immersive experience for visitors.

With its vast expanse and remnants of the palace’s former glory, the courtyard remains a captivating feature of El Badi Palace. The renovations aimed to preserve the integrity of this space while making it more accessible and enjoyable for visitors.

Overall, the renovation efforts at El Badi Palace have successfully revitalized this historical site, transforming it into a must-visit attraction for tourists interested in Moroccan history and architecture.

Minbar of Kutubiyya MosqueAn intricately carved wooden pulpit showcasing Moroccan craftsmanship and religious significance.
RampartsOffering panoramic views of Marrakech and a glimpse into the strategic importance of the palace.

El Badi Palace, with its exhibition spaces and captivating views, continues attracting tourists worldwide. Despite its ruined state, the palace’s historical significance and architectural beauty make it a must-visit destination in Marrakech.


El Badi Palace is a testament to Moroccan architecture’s grandeur and Marrakech’s rich history. This ancient ruin, once a symbol of power and luxury, now stands as a captivating attraction for tourists and history enthusiasts. Stepping into the vast courtyard, one can’t help but be transported back in time, imagining the palace’s former glory.

El Badi Palace is a must-visit for those seeking a unique Marrakech tourist destination. The palace’s sheer size and architectural details leave visitors in awe, offering a glimpse into Morocco’s rich cultural heritage. Whether you climb the walls for panoramic city views or explore the exhibition spaces housing historical artifacts, El Badi Palace offers an unforgettable journey through time.

When visiting El Badi Palace, consider hiring a local English-speaking guide. They can provide fascinating insights into the palace’s history and share captivating past stories. Exploring this ancient ruin with a knowledgeable guide truly enhances the experience, allowing you to fully appreciate the significance of El Badi Palace and its role in Marrakech’s storied past.

Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the allure of ancient ruins and discover the hidden gems of Marrakech at the remarkable El Badi Palace. The final thoughts of this majestic palace will linger in your mind long after you’ve left its mesmerizing premises.


What is El Badi Palace?

El Badi Palace, also known as the “Incomparable Palace,” is a ruined palace located in Marrakech, Morocco.

When was El Badi Palace constructed?

Construction of El Badi Palace began in 1578 and took about 15 years to complete.

Who commissioned the construction of El Badi Palace?

Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur of the Saadian dynasty commissioned El Badi Palace.

Why did El Badi Palace fall into ruin?

After the decline of the Saadian dynasty, the palace was neglected and its valuable materials were stripped away.

What can visitors see at El Badi Palace today?

El Badi Palace is an exhibition space, showcasing artifacts and historical pieces. Visitors can also enjoy panoramic views of Marrakech from the palace’s ramparts.

Has El Badi Palace undergone any renovations?

Yes 2018, the palace underwent renovations to improve the exhibition spaces and visitor experience.

Is it recommended to hire a guide when visiting El Badi Palace?

Yes, hiring a local English-speaking guide can enhance the experience and help visitors fully appreciate the palace’s significance and its stories.

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